Friday, 4 April 2008

Doctor Who: The Glasgow Connection

With The Herald reporting that a large-scale Doctor Who exhibition is due to arrive at Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum next year (, and the popular sci-fi show's fourth series due to begin tomorrow night on BBC One, I thought it would be a good idea to look at some of Glasgow's connections with the "Whoniverse".

- Apparently in an early episode featuring the Second Doctor - played by Patrick Troughton - the eponymous Doctor mentiones that he studied at the University of Glasgow under Joseph Lister in 1888.

- More recently, in the Tenth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) episode The Long Game, a news report heard on "Satellite Five" refers to "the Glasgow water riots". (Don't worry - this episode was set in the far future).

- In a mocked up website to promote The Christmas Invasion, fictional Prime Minister Harriet Jones sends her good wishes "Whether you're in Birmingham or Glasgow, Cardiff or London".

- Finally - and perhaps most significantly - in spin-off series Torchwood, Captain Jack Harkness (Glasgow-born John Barrowman) reveals that "Torchwood 2" - a division of the mysterious alien fighting agency - is an office in Glasgow.

Image copyright BBC 2008.

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