Sunday 16 March 2008

Doomsday Has Come

Doomsday, the latest film from British director Neil Marshall (The Descent, Dog Soldiers) premiered in the USA on Friday. The significance to this blog? Much of the action takes place in Glasgow.

The story in a nutshell is that a lethal virus breaks out in present day Glasgow, wiping out nearly everyone in Scotland - to protect the rest of the UK and the world, the government builds a wall closing off Scotland. Fast forward to 2033 and the "Reaper" virus appears to have reared its ugly head again in London - satellite images show survivors still living in Scotland and a crack military team are sent over the wall to try and find a cure. Of course nothing is simple and they are faced with a rather insane bunch of people inhabiting the post apocalyptic Caledonia.

While most of the film was shot in South Africa, with Cape Town doubling for Glasgow (ironic given that Glasgow has in the past doubled for other cities), some scenes were filmed in the tenement lined streets of Haghill. Various trailers show recognisable images of Glasgow, including a pre-disaster Buchanan Street and a dark and deserted Ingram Street, including the Gallery of Modern Art, in 2033. The tower blocks in the French poster on the right are distinctly un-Glaswegian, however there is one Glasgow landmark - the University of Glasgow's tower. This poster features on a blog devoted to Doomsday - Doomsday Trailer ( - you can find the film's official site at

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